2003-02-01 at 2:58 p.m.


I am a big 'Simpsons' fan. Perhaps you've noticed.

Even the title of this diary is taken from a Simpsons episode- the one where Homer is sent into a coma by an exploding April Fool's Day beer. (The followup line to 'Me lose brain? Uh oh!' is 'Why I laugh?'- a thought that runs through the minds of my readers (all two of them) on a regular basis, I should think).

Jordan has always been a big 'Simpsons' fan, too. It was probably this common interest which led to us first becoming friends- a friendship later cemented by piano music, diet coke, and drinking more alcohol than is healthy, sane, or indeed, legal.

Jordan was practising the piano in my back room a couple of mornings ago. We were going to head into the Con, and, since I live so close to the station, we'd decided to catch the train.

"Hey Michelle" he said, looking up from the keyboard. "What time does the next train go to Spring..."

He slowly realised what he was saying.


He put his head down on the keyboard with an almighty 'Sprooooooing!'

"Uh, Jordan? Despite all evidence to the contrary, this isn't a 'Simpsons' episode."

"I know. Just..."

He glared at the amused expression on my face.

"Just... shut the hell up".


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