2002-12-31 at 2:00 p.m.

And now, for your reading pleasure, we present-

Michelle's Ill-Informed and Completely Unwarranted Movie Reviews!

Oh yes, precious. We does.

Today's movie, in case you haven't already guessed-

The Two Towers

Judging from the insane amounts of money this movie has been taking in of late, every person in the world and their collective dog have already seen it. However, I would like to make a few comments-

-Gollum is the best CGI character I have ever seen. I loved him. I pitied him. I was afraid of him. He also has the best dialogue in the whole movie- with himself.

-Were Legolas' eyes in the first movie quite so blue?

-Gandalf's transformation from 'Gandalf the Grey' into 'Gandalf the White' shall henceforth be called 'Gandalf- the Screensaver'. You'll know why, trust me.

-Why does Helm's Deep have such an easily accessible side door? And why don't any of the orcs try to break through it?


-Frodo's vulnerable adorability is really starting to get to me. Okay, in the first movie it made him cute and endearing, but now it's just starting to get annoying. He can't do anything without Sam or Gollum having to immediately rescue him from mortal peril.

-Is it just me, or is there a whole lotta sexual tension between Aragorn and Legolas?

*Sound of crickets chirping*

Just me, huh?

So, New Year's Eve is upon us. And what have you done? Another year over, new one just begun. And so this is Christmas... wait, no it's not. Damn my primary school, and their John Lennon indoctrination!

So, you ask, what does a fascinating, eccentric and simply fabulous person like myself do to ring in the New Year?

Why, she parties with her parents' friends, of course.

God, I'm boring.

Happy New Year, everybody.

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