2003-11-26 at 2:10 p.m.

The End of my Learning Career (for now)

On Monday evening, I performed my last ever tertiary piano recital, officially ending my Honours degree. Provided I pass, that is.

Now, in times past, I would get on this diary weeks before my recital and crap on and on and on and on about how nervous I am, and how unprepared I feel, and morph into Woody Allen for short periods of time.

You will note, however, that I have not done that this time. Firstly, I was too busy writing my thesis, such as it was. (Entitled 'Comedy in Music - Four Case Studies', it was a paper written simply so I could gratuitously crap on about P.D.Q. Bach.) The second reason I haven't been blithering on here like a paranoid conspiracy theorist is the fact that I any time not spent writing, or practising the piano were generally spent drinking. Sorry about that.

So,my learning career is officially at an end. Time to find some sort of employment.

I'm just waiting for the paint to dry on my 'Will Drop Pants for Food' sign, and I'm set.

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